So what is healing ? And what it is not?
To put it simply "Healing is a journey and not a destination." What does that mean? Let's see. We all have seen a kid at some point in our life, within or outside our family, growing up or at least we are aware how kids grow. A kid first learns to crawl, then to walk and then to run. All through this process the kid has fallen and hurt him/herself multiple times but never got afraid of falling. He cries for a bit after each fall and then goes up again to try standing up and walk again. It was a process he went through but the boy didn't say that "oh! I am going to stop when I learn to walk because it's a painful process or I might get hurt again." He tried again and again, and eventually learned how to run. Once he learned to run he moved on to the next thing, let's say bicycle and when learnt that he moved on to the next thing and then the next thing, and so on. But he never stopped! Similarly, healing is a learning journey that never stops. It isn't a destination but there could be milestones if you want to call it that way. You learn to stand up by yourself, whatever be the medium, through support, by yourself, or with a walker, doesn't matter. It's you who did it, no one else walked or ran on behalf of you. Similarly you learn to deal with 'stuff ' yourself maybe with a little or lot of support (which doesn't matter), but it's you who does it. And once you do, you become stronger than ever ready to move on to the next stage, the next lesson. Let me try this with another example. As a kid, you might have been afraid to stand up in class and voice your opinion out but with an extra push or motivation by the teacher you eventually did speak up and by practicing it over and over again you got used to it and comfortable raising your hand or voicing out your opinion in the class, eventually. Now comes the next stage - speaking up in front of the whole school. You were asked by your teacher to prepare a song, a speech or something for an upcoming event. You got afraid again but you went back home and prepared and practiced until you remembered every word of your speech or song and were able to say it aloud. Doesn’t matter if you took someone's help or did it all by yourself but you did it eventually. Also, your previous experience of speaking in front of the class helped, as you not only developed confidence to speak in front of other kids but also improved your communication skill a bit (learnings). And now when the D-day comes you stood up straight and gave that speech or sang that song. Maybe it went well, maybe it didn't. Either way you learnt a lesson that practicing something beforehand makes you good at it. If you didn't achieve it the way you wanted it to be, even then you learnt a lesson that probably you would need more practice and hard work next time. Learnings both ways! Healing is just the same, you never stop, it's a life long journey you always are learning something from your previous experiences (wounds, traumas, accidents). One after another you heal your fears, insecurities, traumas, you learn something new from it, and move on, and then life throws another curve ball at you, you might miss it but you will stand up again and do it all over again with more confidence and learnings this time to handle more challenging stuff. That's how healing works. You might say oh I don’t want to learn anything new, I want to stay back where I am because it's comfortable. This is where the divine intervention comes into the picture. When you're ready for new lessons, Spirit, Source, God, howsoever you want to call it, will make your comfortable zone so uncomfortable, so difficult that you will be left with no other option but to step out of it and create another comfort zone for yourself which will be better than the previous one, i.e. will push you hard to move you away from previous experience(s) to learn something new! So what can we do to avoid these difficult times?
The best thing is to avoid waiting for this uncomfortable situation to happen. It is to keep moving with the flow (more about go with the flow in next blog) and just take whatever life throws at you. If it is a difficult situation take it as it is, learn from it, and move on with a smile, because, guess what, it's never going to last forever. Got a happy situation? Rejoice, enjoy, and move on, because, guess what, it's not going to last forever either. But what will last forever is your learning and your inner peace, strength, and resilience gained from all those difficult situations. And when you're done with the lessons of this life you will move on, your soul will transcend and move on to another space, another time, for another lesson in another body, at another place with different people and situations. And it goes on and on and on, until you have learnt all that you needed to learn.
How doe we know if we have learnt everything?
When you can see, feel, and believe that you are no different than anyone else around, you are same as them and you and I, we, are all same as the Source, the God. We all are Gods in our own little worlds, co-creating with Source. Living only for experience and not for destination as there is no destination, only journey.
Love & light